Sometimes it is necessary to completely remove the Doc-It 4 PDF Printer and re-install. This procedure does it in a more complete way to resolve issues including multiple instances of the printer showing up.
* If you will be performing this from a Remote Desktop server, then you will need to have all users logout out before beginning.
1. Uninstall PDF-XChange 2012 using Programs and Features and skip the reboot request for now.
2. Remove the Doc.It 4 PDF Printer (or PDF-XChange Printer 2012) from Printers and Scanners using the Remove Device option
Alternatively from Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Devices and Printers.
3. Reboot your computer/server.
4. Re-install the Doc.It 4 PDF Printer
C:\Program Files (x86)\Doc.It Suite 4\Doc.It 4\Third Party\PDFX5SA_sm.exe - Accept all defaults - The restart can be postponed if needed.
5. Reset Printer.