Performing a Re-install of Doc.It Suite

Performing a Re-install of Doc.It Suite

Uninstalling Doc.It Suite version 4 Client Software

The client launcher will perform an unattended removal of the required components:
Location: \\Doc-ItServer\Client Setup\Install Client\ 

Drag and drop ‘Launch Doc.It Setup.exe’ from the directory above into a Run Dialogue and append a space then ‘/uninstall. i.e. "\\DOCIT SERVER NAME\Client Setup\Install Client\Launch Doc.It Setup.exe" /uninstall

Click OK to begin the installation. 

Once the removal has been completed, a restart should be performed before proceeding with the reinstall.

Installing Doc.It Suite version 4 Client Software 

Client Software
The client launcher will perform an automatic silent installation of the required components:
Location: \\Doc-ItServer\Client Setup\Install Client\ 

Drag and drop ‘Launch Doc.It Setup.exe’ from the directory above into a Run Dialogue and append a space then ‘/silent. i.e. "\\DOCIT SERVER NAME\Client Setup\Install Client\Launch Doc.It Setup.exe" /silent

Click OK to begin the installation. 

Once the installation has completed, Doc.It Suite 4 will then automatically start and present you with a login screen.

*** For Terminal Services and Citrix Environments it is very important to set the environment into installation mode first.
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