roll forward

How-to Roll Binders Forward

Follow the steps below to roll binders forward.

Note: only related binders can be rolled together, ie. all 2021 Personal Tax binders can be rolled at the same time to create the 2022 Personal Tax binders. That would be separate for rolling 2021 Corporate Tax binders. 

  1. Go to Binder Explorer and use the Ready To Roll Forward Saved Search to bring up a group of binders that have been previously published and finalized. If you are rolling forward binders that have not been published, use the Quick Search utility to locate a group of binders to roll forward. This is typically done by using the Quick Search to search on a binder name: example 2021 Personal Tax.
  2. Once you have a group of related binders in the Binder Explorer window, select the binder(s) to roll forward by using your Ctrl key or Shift key on your keyboard and use the mouse to select several binders.
  3. Right click on any of the binders that are selected and click Roll Forward.
  4. In the Roll Forward Binders dialog box, type the name of the binder you want to created. Be sure to follow current naming conventions: example for 2021 Personal Tax binders the New Binder(s) Name field should be 2022 Personal Tax.
  5. Set the year. This is normally the same year that is in the New Binder(s) Name field. Click Roll Forward and confirm any message that come up.
The system will hand off the process to the server, within a few minutes you should see the new binder appear for each client.

 Please report any issues to Doc.It support.

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