How-to Give a User Permission to Create & Edit Clients

How-to Give a User Permission to Create & Edit Clients

A user(s) can be given permission to add clients to Doc.It by creating a Role and assigning it to a Group. Controlling the group membership will control which users are given the permission. This is commonly done to give extra permissions to everyday users outside of administrator and manager groups. 

Instructions to setup the Role, Group, and User assignments are below.

First, setup the Group and add Users:

Step 1 – In Maintenance, click Security Groups to open the User Management Dashboard. Check the list of current Groups for Create Clients. If the Group already exists, proceed to the Role section of this document. If the Group does not exist, click the plus sign in the upper right corner to add a new Group. Please see your system administrator if the Maintenance link on the main Doc.It Dashboard is missing, or if the Security Groups icon does not appear under Maintenance.


Step 2 – In the Name field type Create Clients (or an appropriate name) and click Save. The new Group will show in the list.


Step 3 – Click the small carrot next to the name of the new Group, then click the plus sign in the upper right corner to add a User to the group. Select the drop down and click a user from the list, then click Save. Repeat to add another user.


Second, setup the Role: 

Step 1 – In Maintenance, click on Functional Security to open the User Management Dashboard. Click the plus sign in the upper right corner to add a new Role. Please see your system administrator if the Maintenance link on the main Doc.It Dashboard is missing, or if the Functional Security icon does not appear under Maintenance.


Step 2 – In the fillable fields select these options.

            a.       Name – Type Add & Edit Clients

            b.       Firm – Click the drop down and select your firm. There should be only one firm in the list.

            c.       Enabled – Make sure there is a checkmark. This should be checked by default.

            d.       Security Groups – Click in the blank field and select the new Group created in the previous step and click Ok.

            e.       Users – Leave this field blank.

            f.       Functional Security – Click in the blank field and scroll down the list of items and put a check mark is the following fields:

  1. Maintenance
  2. ClientEmails
  3. Clients
  4. Client Import (optional if the ability to import multiple clients at one time is needed)
You can assign individual users to a role, but it requires more management to maintain this approach to handle user security settings.


Click Ok then click Save.

Users will need to logout of Doc.It and log back into Doc.It for the changes to take effect.

Please contact Doc.It Support if you have any questions or need further information. At or by calling 888-693-6248.

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