Desktop Connector Description
The Desktop Connector is installed on the workstation and is the connection between the 4.6 & 5.0 versions of Doc.It Suite and local resources. Including MS Office, scanning, and printing. The Desktop Connector also serves as the conduit and monitor for transitioning files into the Doc.It. This includes the On-Premise and Cloud versions of Doc.It.
It is recommended that the Desktop Connector be launched and connected on each user’s computer after the first login. This is a one-time connection and when completed properly it will reconnect automatically each time the Doc.It system is launched on the user’s computer.
Instructions to launch and connect the Desktop Connector
First, log into the Doc.It Suite, Doc.It Connect, or Doc.It Explore application on the workstation.
In the hidden taskbar items pop-up in the Windows system tray, locate the Desktop Connector. See below.
If the Desktop Connector icon is not present in the hidden taskbar items, click in the Window Search within the taskbar and type “Desktop Connector” Select the Desktop Connector App within the search results. See below.
Desktop Connector App will show in the hidden taskbar items. please contact
Doc.It Support if the Desktop Connector App doesn’t appear in the Windows
search, or after clicking on the app, it doesn’t show in the hidden items tray.
the Desktop Connector icon showing in the hidden icons tray, right click it and
select Connect.
clicking Connect the Desktop Connector application will launch. Click the
Doc.It logo in the center of the window.
clicking the logo, a Doc.It login will appear, enter the email address and the
password of the current user.
entering the correct login information, a User Code will appear, click Submit.
confirmation will then be replaced by the Desktop Connector application window.
Inside of the Doc.It Dashboard, the Desktop Connector Status will show a green
globe and checkmark.
Desktop Connector Details
Active section shows any files that are currently checked out in Doc.It for
The History section will show any document that was recently checked out from Doc.It Suite and its check-in state. The checkmark in the small box indicates the document was successfully checked in.
Status indicates if the Desktop Connector is connected or disconnected.
Connected As indicates which user is signed into the Desktop Connector. This must match the user that is currently logged into Doc.It Suite.
Disconnect will disconnect the Connected As user and return to the login screen of the Desktop Connector.
Turn On/OFF Extended Logging enables and disables additional logging which is found in the following location: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Logs\DesktopConnector
General Section
Use PDF Editor when checked, forces the use of the PDF Editor for opening and editing PDF files in Doc.It. If it is unchecked, the default windows PDF Editor will be used.
Open Out Front when checked, forces the Desktop Connector to open in the forefront. If unchecked it will open in the background.
Preferred Firm will display the firm code that the current user is assigned to.
Auto Filing Section
Use Mini Watch check box is use to turn on the Mini Watch option. Mini Watch is only used in smaller firms with less than 5 users. Other firms will need to use the full version of Watch.
Enable Auto File check box is use to turn on the Auto File utility through the Mini Watch option.
User Folder Path defines the Windows folder location that Mini Watch and Auto File will use when processing files. This folder location must match for all computers in the firm under the Desktop Connector settings.
Retention Policy Section
If the box is checked for Use Document Retention Policy, any document that is checked out will have a copy save for the number of days indicated in the Retain for Days section. The default is 7 days. The Documents To Retain section will let you select whether to save a copy of all documents that are checked out or only the ones that have been modified.