Adding Graphic/Logo to E-Mail Notification for Portal 4.5

Adding Graphic/Logo to E-Mail Notification for Portal 4.5

These instructions refer to Portal 4.5 and Doc.It Suite 4.5

First place the image in a directory reachable via the internet.  For instance is an example.  This image is located in the X:\Doc.It Inc\DocIT Portal 4.5\PortalUI\wwwroot\Content\Images  folder on the IIS server.  You can place your image here as well.  Test that it is reachable via browser in an external location.

(if former path not found, look for X:\PortalWebSite\PortalUI\webroot\content\images)

To insert image into email template:

The email templates are located in Maintenance > Firmwide Settings > Portal - Double click the Email Template you would like to edit

- Under Format Text, make sure HTML is selected.
- Place cursor in desired location in the email body.

- Then go Insert -> Pictures, and paste the http url of the file in the File name bar.

- Then click the drop down where it says ‘Insert’ and select ‘’Link To File”.

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